8th Grade
13 years – 14 years old
(This program is for children older than 13 years old and younger than 14 years in June.)
Eighth grade core curriculum: study of World Wars, Civil Rights, modern politics, and the roots of American Revolution, including difference between American and French Revolutions; Algebra, Language Arts, Science, Eighth grade project and the completion of all the Main Lesson books.
The eighth grader is given more responsibility for their learning and time management, and the opportunity for self-discovery in their eighth-grade project. The eighth-grade project is an expression of leadership, problem solving, and the learning of completing a project from a beginning to end. The student introduces the project to the school and parent community. This is a time for completion, reflection of the life of being a student, and looking to the future.
The class studies aspects of the American, French, and Industrial Revolutions, as well as the U. S. Civil War. Students consider whether and how the United States is the world’s first free democracy and travel in changing consciousness to modern times.
Language Arts
The student is introduced to rich literature through reading novels, biographies, short stories, poetry, plays, and begin work with factual writings. Writing styles and moods are examined dramatic and lyric styles, ballads, simile, metaphor, and the use of adjectives. The student continues to work with speech, recitation, and drama usually taken from Shakespeare. Grammar, punctuation, parts of speech, essay and paragraph writing is reviewed and written into their main lessons. Public speaking and presentation are practiced daily.
Mathematics and Geometry
The students are generally divided into two math groups. The advanced group pursues a formal high school course of Algebra 1 with the help of a textbook. These students are likely to continue with geometry when entering high school. The intermediate group continues with seventh grade pre-algebra work, deepening their seventh grade work to build readiness skills for Algebra 1 in ninth grade. Math specialists teach both courses. They calculate surface areas and volumes of solids such as prisms, cylinders, pyramids, and cones. In geometry, students discover the theories behind the five Platonic Solids and then construct them in paper and clay. They work with three-dimensional figures to find perimeter, area, and volume.
The student finds their place upon the earth through learning about the oceans, continents, and diversity of human culture. The student becomes familiar with the physical, cultural and economic aspects of the countries of Asia and Africa and the challenges of the modern world.
Organic Chemistry
The student is introduced to the qualities, origins, and chemistry of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids (fats and oils), with a focus on their significance in human nutrition.
Eighth graders work phenomenologically with hydrodynamics and aerodynamics. The subjects of electricity and magnetism are combined in the creation of electric motors.
The student studies the global and local climate and weather. The student learns to observe weather changes, fronts, wind, humidity, pressure, and storms in the earth’s atmosphere. Students review the dynamics of heating and cooling as they expand these concepts to understand the sun as the power behind earth’s climate and water cycle. Students develop an understanding of the global impact of weather upon the economy and inhabitability of the continents of the world.
The student learns the in-depth study of the bones and muscles of the human being. The brain and nervous system are presented through the study of the eye and ear.
Students learn to transform a sphere into the five Platonic Solids. Anatomical studies are sometimes preceded by careful observations and drawings, leading to the sculpting of life-sized bones.
Student learn how to use a sewing machine creating an article of clothing.
Students participate in orchestra and Class Choir.
Foreign language
Students engage in sports with the outer community.
Community Services
Student participate in community services independently and within the school and will fundraise for the eight grade trip and graduation.
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