6th Grade
11 years – 12 years old
(This program is for children older than 11 years old and younger than 12 years in June.)
Sixth grade core curriculum: Roman and Medieval history; world geography and cartography; mineralogy; astronomy; physics (acoustics, optics, electricity, magnetism, heat); geometric drawing with instruments; business math and arithmetic; biographies; composition, spelling, grammar, and reading. The students also study the European Middle Ages, including the feudal system and particularly the Knight’s Code of Honor. This study of the Middle Ages is capped by a “Knighting Ceremony.”
The sixth grade student’s thinking is more practical and brings the element of cause and effect approach to circumstances. The student is more interested in facts and concise methodology of fairness in their relationship. Within a class environment, there is a gradual and natural separation of sexes.
Language Arts
The student is introduced to a variety of styles of writing, from compare and contrast essays and short biographical reports to “theme” research paper writing. Students are also required to continue journaling, keep records of their science observations, and compose correspondence. Study includes syntax of simple and complex sentences.
The sixth grade math curriculum is taught by a middle school math specialist. The student is introduced to business math, percentages, and algebraic concepts working with formulas and conversions. Students learn geometric drawings and an introduction to a compass and straight edge.
The student is introduced to world geography, climates and astronomy as well as earth’s plant and animal life.The students study astronomy and geology. The children scientifically study the minerals and crystals they viewed as magical objects in Kindergarten and learn the differences between igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Physics is introduced through observation, hands-on experimentation and demonstration of acoustics, optics, thermal dynamics, static electricity and magnetism.
The students participate in Medieval Games with other neighboring schools.
In the sixth grade, students continue with orchestra.
Knitting and Woodworking continues.
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